‘Dances with Dragons’ march celebrates the Chinese & Aboriginal communities

Canadians for Reconciliation is a peaceful non-partisan grassroots movement committed to developing a new relationship with aboriginal people, one that signifies a deep apology for past injustice, a willingness to honor truth now and a resolve to embrace each other in the new millennium.

13th annual “Dances with Dragons” is a genuine celebration of another year’s journey between First People and Chinese Canadians and a public testimony that a new journey has begun. We are honored by the presence of First Nation friends from Squamish, Nisga’a, Gitksan, Mount Currie, Dene, Cree, etc.

With B.C. poised to celebrate its 150 anniversary of becoming a colony in 2008, we encourage British Columbians to reflect on BC’s less honourable history with First Nations. To consider reconcilliation with the aboriginal community beyond a series of orchestrated events for the 2010 Olympic visitors, please contact us at ccia@shaw.ca