Tsawwassen First Nation and Canada reach land claim settlement agreement

Honouring Canada’s legal obligations to First Nations and working collaboratively to renew relationships are fundamental to addressing historical wrongs and advancing reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

Today, Chief Ken Baird and the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, announced that the Tsawwassen First Nation and the Government of Canada have concluded negotiations and reached a settlement agreement of the English Bluff Specific Claim. As part of the settlement, the Tsawwassen First Nation will receive $7.7 million in total compensation.

Submitted by Tsawwassen First Nation in July of 2013, this specific claim concerns a breach of Canada’s obligations when it failed to obtain full and fair compensation for the sale of reserve lands in the 1950s and for Canada’s failure to protect the First Nation from entering into an exploitative agreement.

This agreement between Tsawwassen First Nation and Canada represents a mutual understanding and addresses a historical wrong to the community. The successful resolution of this settlement is a key part of Canada’s commitment to reconciliation – one that shows our commitment to build trust, acknowledges and respects the Treaty relationship, and helps build a better future for all Canadians.